Booking your surgical procedure
- During the consultation with your Medical Specialist, he or she will explain your procedure/surgery, complete the Consent Form with you, and advise the date of your procedure.
- Your Medical Specialist will then complete an online Referral for Admission to Camden Surgical Hospital.
- Following this you will receive a request via email from Camden Surgical Hospital, to complete an online Patient Admission Form. This form needs to be completed and returned to us 5-7 days prior to surgery. This allows us to confirm your admission details, medical history, and insurance details prior to your admission.
- The Patient Admission Form is in electronic format, so if you do not have access to a computer, tablet, or smart phone, please contact Camden Surgical Hospital for assistance via email or phone.
Email: reception@camdensurgicalhospital.com.au
Telephone: 02 9071 0090